Family Welcome Center
We would love to meet your family! No matter the ages of your kids, please stop by the Family Welcome Center before worship so we can answer any questions you might have and help your family get situated and comfortable.

Nursery and Toddler Class
Our Nursery/Toddler Class welcomes children eight weeks to three years old during worship and is led by our screened and trained adult FCC Kids’ Leaders. The Nursery/Toddler Class is a nurturing environment for children to learn that God is real, good, and trustworthy through loving, attentive, and secure care. Toddlers learn the attributes of God through singing, short Bible stories, and activities designed just for them.
If you would like to place your child in the Nursery/Toddler Class, please stop by the Family Welcome Center when you arrive on Sunday morning. An FCC Kids’ Leader will check your child into our electronic system, give you the security sticker needed for pick-up, and take your family to the Nursery/Toddler Class. Should your child need you for any reason during worship, we will notify you via text message.

Four Years Old through First Grade
Children four years old through the first grade are invited to join our Kids’ Worship Class, which is held during the sermon portion of worship. Our Worship Class provides an overview of God’s redemptive narrative, invites young children to see how their story fits into God’s story, and cultivates young hearts with a sense of wonder and awe in a big God who made them and loves them.
When you arrive, stop by the Family Welcome Center, where we will check your child into our electronic system. Children participate in worship with their families and then are released for the Worship Class right before the sermon. Our screened and trained FCC Kids’ Leaders take kids to their class, and parents are always welcome to accompany their children. Our leaders will take children back into worship at the end of the sermon. If children need to use the restroom during class, parents will be notified via text.

All adults working with children at FCC undergo a background screening, abuse prevention training, and age-specific training led by FCC Leadership, and agree to the Children’s and Family Ministry Safety Procedures and Protocol, which is available to parents upon request. Two adults are required to be with children at all times. Children must be checked into our electronic system and are released only with a security sticker that matches the child’s sticker. FCC Kids’ Leaders do not take children to the restroom; parents will be notified via text message if kids need a bathroom break.

Kids in Worship
FCC highly values the presence of children in worship because kids are an important part of the church, and they learn to worship best alongside their families in the context of community. Because of this, classes for young children are held only during the sermon portion of worship. Stop by the Family Welcome Center to learn about the materials available for children attending worship.