Gospel Renewal From the Inside Out
The overarching storyline of the Bible is that in Jesus Christ God is moving all things from the failure of the Garden to the glory of New Creation. He is making all things new. At FCC, we call this movement toward New Creation, this making all things new, Gospel renewal. Even though it can be easy to think about this renewal as something that happens “out there”, in the wider world, Jessu wants us to see that it happens “in here”, in our own hearts. The gospel tells us that once we turn to Jesus Christ with repentance and faith, he begins to renew us, change us; he begins to make us new. A way for us to think about this is that Jesus wants to change our hearts, what we love and what we choose, what we value and prize. If we take Jesus seriously, we’ll see that a heart renewed by his grace, power and Spirit will begin to look distinctly different from the normal patterns of life and our culture. In fact, this heart will begin to look a lot more like Jesus.