John 14:5-6

August 4, 2024

John 14:5-6

Any talk of discipleship must always begin in one place, with Jesus. The only reason we talk about being and making believers, followers and learners of Jesus, is because of who Jesus is. And if we don’t know who Jesus is, then we’ll never properly understand what it means for us to be his disciples. This week, from John’s gospel, one brief statement from the mouth of Jesus will help us see him with utmost clarity, and with that vision, see that he is worthy of our entire life.

Luke 15:1-10

July 28, 2024

Luke 15:1-10

Our church’s vision is that we would be a Christ centered church making and sending disciples in this generation and the next. At the heart of that calling is a truth that is found in the heart of God, something that Jesus makes very plain and powerful in the parables of this passage, and something that will refresh and energize us: no matter how far from God we might be, he seeks us, saves us, and celebrates our relationship with him.

John 6

July 21, 2024

John 6

During these few summer weeks, we will be looking at a variety of different passages and hearing from a number of voices. As we move through the Church calendar, we currently are enjoying what has traditionally been called “Ordinary Time”. This is a time for us to enjoy the slower, simpler rhythm of the summer months, resting in God’s sovereign grace in all moments and seasons.

Guest speaker Ian Johnston

Psalms 121

July 14, 2024

Psalms 121

During these few summer weeks, we will be looking at a variety of different passages and hearing from a number of voices. As we move through the Church calendar, we currently are enjoying what has traditionally been called “Ordinary Time”. This is a time for us to enjoy the slower, simpler rhythm of the summer months, resting in God’s sovereign grace in all moments and seasons.

Guest speaker Doug Karst

Luke 7:36-50

July 7, 2024

Luke 7:36-50

During these few summer weeks, we will be looking at a variety of different passages and hearing from a number of voices. As we move through the Church calendar, we currently are enjoying what has traditionally been called “Ordinary Time”. This is a time for us to enjoy the slower, simpler rhythm of the summer months, resting in God’s sovereign grace in all moments and seasons.

Guest speaker Dave Robinson – Extravagant Love

Acts 28:17-31

June 30, 2024

Acts 28:17-31

When we talk about Christianity or Jesus or the mission of the church, what should be our leading edge, our top priority, what we see as most important? Our passage is going to help us see there’s one thing that rises to the top: who do we say Jesus is?

Acts 28:1-16

June 23, 2024

Acts 28:1-16

Christian leaders and pastors from several denominations recently have gathered to discern answers to difficult questions about how we, as Christians, should navigate the time and culture in which we live; and they’ll all tell you: it’s hard. As a Christian, how do you faithfully and authentically be who you have been called to be in Christ, particularly in a time and place where you may not easily fit? This passage will help us see the two key elements to every answer: Truth & Grace.

Acts 25:13-26:32

June 9, 2024

Acts 25:13-26:32

As a Christian, negativity toward our faith can be intimidating and it can create confusion or doubt. That’s understandable, but through this passage God wants us to see the truth of the matter; to be reminded of the reason why we’re called to be a Christ centered church making and sending disciples in the generation and the next. That’s because the gospel is not a problem but the power of God for salvation for all who will believe.

Acts 25:1-12

June 2, 2024

Acts 25:1-12

All of us have difficult seasons in our lives and when we do, our natural reaction is to look to God and ask for his help. There are many reasons we do that, one of them is because God has made promises to us that we turn to in hard times. But what do we do when we feel like God has forgotten about us or his promises? How are we supposed to handle that? This passage will show us that we can wait on God with confidence because we know God will always fulfill his promises.

1 Corinthians 12

May 19, 2024

1 Corinthians 12

Whether at school or the workplace, we’ve probably experienced cliques, polarizing perspectives, and favoritism. But what happens when these are present within our faith community? Writing to a church crippled by divisions, open sin issues, and theological confusion, Paul addresses the heart of the matter while teaching important principles for our life together.

Guest Speaker Adam Jones