What to Expect

What to Expect

Fountain City is a church that values community and connection which you will notice right away. No matter your age or background, you will find a place here. The service usually lasts about an hour and fifteen minutes. Attire varies – generally casual. You are more than welcome to stick around after service and get to know people. We are so glad to have you worship with us and can’t wait to meet you.



Worship at Fountain City helps everyone present encounter and honor God. Through a blend of modern music, contemporary hymns, prayers and Scripture reading, all are invited to participate in the service. Sermons are preached from a passage in the Bible and are followed by communion. Gluten-Free bread is available at communion at each service. Please request while receiving communion.

Kids' Classes

Kids' Classes

Fountain City is filled with young families. As we seek to help each child grow in his or her knowledge and love of God, families are invited to worship together for portions of the service. Nursery is available for children eight weeks to three years old, and a worship class for kids four years old through the first grade during the sermon. Kids in second grade and up join their parents and receive age-appropriate materials to engage them during the sermon. Our Children’s and Family Ministry assists parents in training up children as faithful followers of Jesus.

Where We Meet

Johnson County Arts and Heritage Center is our newest meeting location as of January 2025. Over the past two years, the Lord has continued to grow our church community to the point that we have outgrown our previous location at the Meadowbrook Park Clubhouse. We have loved our time at Meadowbrook, but we feel the Lord leading us to move. We want to be able to welcome as many people in worship as we can and, as a young growing church plant, we need more room to be able to grow into a church for generations to come.


Sunday Service
8788 Metcalf Ave, Overland Park, KS 66212