A Christ-Centered church making and sending disciples in this generation and the next.
We believe God is working in our world to bring healing and new life to all people and places through Jesus Christ. God wants people to know him, find their true selves in him, flourish in all of life with him.
We also believe that the way God works to bless this world is through his Church. He does that first by changing our lives as we follow Jesus. God renews our hearts, our vision, and our purpose, so that we grow in our love for Him and for those around us, and we take up our place in his greater gospel mission. Then, God sends us into all our places and relationships as messengers and sources of his love and power in Christ.
Our vision is that God would make our church a community where we all are flourishing in our new life with Jesus. That we all are growing in our love for God and our calling in his kingdom. That we all participate in His renewing work around us. That we would do this in our generation and bring up our young ones to do it in the next.
We long to know God and bring him glory. We long to see all people find true and abundant life in Christ. We long to see our lives and communities renewed by Christ. So, we long to live as a church sent into this world as people who faithfully follow Jesus in every generation.